Nimans gives Panasonic resellers tips on call recording success

Channel News

With a day long course

Nimans claims it is giving Panasonic dealers an insight into the world of call recording success.

The company has been offering a day long training course at its Manchester headquarters.

It is part of a joint initiative between Nimans and manufacturer Re-Tell – an official Panasonic global trading partner, which is claimed to combine installation techniques with valuable sales tips and advice.

Attendees were told how Re-Tell’s Sense call recording service was easy to set-up and deploy (within 30 minutes of arrival on site) as a result of straightforward connectivity. They were also giving tips on passive recording, active recording and extension matching.

One dealer made a 500 mile round-trip from Bournemouth to attend and claimed: “We’ve not done a lot of call recording before but we are looking to expand our horizons. Today’s course proved invaluable in boosting our knowledge, general awareness and market opportunities. We find that some end users still suffer from ignorance and perceive call recording as a glorified answering machine. Clearly that’s not the case.”

Resellers also discovered how the influence of call recording is spreading into areas such as chauffer companies and food distribution especially in London, helping resolve order discrepancies and potentially costly disputes as well as protecting customer relationships and enhancing staff training.

The reseller added: “We think call recording is an avenue that can benefit a lot of our customers. We have a lot of solicitors and doctors etc who in the past have said they would like it but it’s too expensive. However the Re-Tell solution is very cost effective and easy to install ourselves. I found the course useful, interesting, practical and enlightening. It was a very worthwhile trip.”

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