Flexiant joins initiative to optimise cloud applications

Channel News
Clouds of unknowing, in Oxford

Consortium aims to blow cloud technologies out of regional waters

Flexiant has launched a major research initiative to help develop an open and integrated platform to support model based lifecycle management of Cloud applications

PaaSage is coordinated by ERCIM, the European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics and is a project involving 13 European partners.

According to Flexiant cloud services are still insufficient and in particular require a high level of expertise on the part of the developer and the provider to properly exploit the capabilities offered by these technologies.

Cloud infrastructures are also not standardised and porting an existing application to a cloud platform is still a very challenging task, which the company claims leads to a strong interdependence between the client application and the cloud platform.

Developing once and deploying on many clouds is not a viable proposition as things stand, it added.

This is the challenge that the PaaSage consortium will address by delivering an open and integrated platform to support both design and deployment of cloud applications, together with an accompanying methodology that allows model-based development, configuration, optimisation, and deployment of existing and new applications independently of the existing underlying cloud infrastructures.

This is thought to help bring the European industry on par with its cloud rivals in different regions.

Flexiant is supporting the PaaSage initiative by supplying the test platform in the Cloud that enables the project to test use cases and demonstrate these with the agility, freedom and flexibility to scale, deploy and configure resources triggered by indicators.

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