Resellers to court Ministry of Defence with rugged Panasonic tablets

Channel News

Becrypt encryption keeps them secure

Defence contractors and the Ministry of Defence are being courted for tablet sales, thanks to a team effort by security company Becrypt and Panasonic to shift ruggedised devices.

The government, according to the two companies, is seeking to look to the commercial sector in using cost effective form factors. The machines provide CESG approved encryption right the way up to level IL3. Becrypt’s encryption itself goes up to Impact Level 6 (TOP SECRET).

Panasonic’s devices use Becrypt’s DISK Project to keep them secure – devloped, according to the company, to provide full encryption for tablets that use an on screen keyboard, including using pre-boot authentication for additional security. Becrypt claims it is the only company so far to manage this without having to use an external keyboard.

Stephen Yeo, of Panasonic Europe, suggested that there is considerable pressure for government, MoD, and defene contractor organisations to “follow suit to support new ways of working”. The risk of device theft or data loss “can be” higher with tablets, as they’re desirable, portable, and have easily accessible content, he said.

Yeo said Panasonic’s engineers have been working closely with Becrypt to make sure public sector customers have a secure tablet off the shelf.

The tablets will go to resellers to supply UK government and MoD and defence contractors.

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