UK IT managers poorly wired

Allied Telesis research shows that UK managers are at the mercy of poorly connected networks
UK businesses are dependent on poorly wired network infrastructure, according to a survey from Allied Telesis.
The survey shows that many companies are poorly served by their network suppliers. A company’s business success, according to the survey, is dependant on its network to perform day-to-day operations.
However, it also indicates grim levels of network downtime and a growing sense of frustration amongst managers due to the consequences of network failure.
The figures show that these failures are costly and far-reaching.
401 managers were canvassed in large UK companies across nine key sectors across the public and private sector. More than 92 percent of managers said they were reliant on access on the network and half of these felt that it was crucial to their job
As many as 86 percent of managers experience some form of downtime every month, with as many as 28 percent experiencing five or more instances of downtime in a month.
Over 68 percent of respondents cited slow internet or inability to access documents from a network as affecting their productivity.
Those surveyed claimed that slow internet or inability to access documents from a network has a major effect on their ability, and the ability of their team, to complete essential business tasks.
However, the report indicated that few of the managers believed that they needed to invest better in their network to solve the problem.
When polled about where IT budget should be allocated, over a third of managers would rather see investment in user hardware. Only 18 per cent thought that it was better to upgrading their network.
Jane Brett, UK & Ireland sales director at Allied Telesis International said that the frequency of network downtime experienced by managers across the UK was a major cause for concern, but some of the problems appear to be that managers don’t necessarily see the link between investing in the network and the commercial business benefits that such connectivity provides.
Companies need to be educated about ‘investing smarter’ and doing more for less. “Organisations can’t keep trying to do the same for smaller budgets and its impossible,” she said.
Brett said that the reality was that without a robust, reliable network, investment in new laptops, smart phones or tablet devices is wasted money if the connectivity is poor.