Webhosts gets slapped on the wrist by ASA

Failure to respond makes watchdog growl
Webhosts is one of the latest companies to be hauled up by the Advertising Standards Authority.
The hosting company had its knuckles rapped after bragging that it provided 100 “percent customer satisfaction”.
It was shopped to the ASA after a customer challenged whether the claim was misleading and could be substantiated, because he had experienced a network failure lasting over 168 hours.
And perhaps the company was experiencing the same network problems, with the ASA claiming it had not had any response. The watchdog said the lack of communication was a “concern” and showed an “apparent disregard” for the advertising code.
It reminded Webhosts of its responsibility to provide a substantive response to ASA enquiries and told it to do so in future.
Because of the lack of response the organisation concluded that the company’s claim was misleading and should not appear again in its current form.