Nutanix Appoints Exclusive Networks For Euro Computing-In-A-Box

Self-styled ‘European superVAD’ needs to build the market for stackable virtual computing platform
Exclusive Networks has clinched the contract to distribute a new virtual computing machine from the US that shrinks data centres into stackable building blocks of storage and processing power.
Nutanix, which makes these scalable units, has appointed the pan-European value added distributor. Exclusive’s brief is to explain the business benefits of the technology and excite some interest among its 4,200 European resellers.
Incitement to diet
Nutanix was formed by ex-Google veterans who learned from the growing pains experienced by companies with rapidly expanding data centres. The founding concept for Nutanix was to produce a box with processing power and storage that could work as a standalone unit, while offering the option to be aggregated.
The “stackable data centre” concept obviates the need for costly and complex SANs and offer an obvious return on investment, according to Exclusive’s director of marketing, Barrie Desmond. But the VAD now faces a challenge to capture the imagination of resellers, he said.
Data centres are wasting money through poor scalability, lack of IT agility, network bottlenecks, and unsustainable capital and operational costs, according to Desmond. The Nutanix platform, has the ability to cut the fat from organisations in an incitement to diet, according to Desmond. “Consolidation, automation and mobilisation present massive opportunities for VARs in the datacenter and cloud infrastructure space,” said Desmond.
With data centres crying out for space, power, speed and efficiency, the Nutanix approach should have an obvious appeal, he argued.
Exclusive has a good track record of delivering inventions, according to Jan Ursi, Nutanix’s channel marketing manager. Its support for the channel is important, too, he said. “At a time when we are investing heavily in Europe and we look forward to working with the team to increase market share,” said Ursi.