Espion And Fortinet Target Sales Boost North Of The Border

Irish distie and US vendor in concerted bid to secure Scottish revenues
Dublin-based information security distributor Espion is to team up with IT security firm Fortinet to embark on a heavyweight end-user engagement drive in the Scottish market.
The two firms are looking to replicate the success they have had in Espion’s home market. In 2012, Espion celebrated, for the second consecutive year, Fortinet’s leadership of the unified threat management (UTM) market in Ireland in factory revenues, according to IDC figures.
Part of the campaign saw Fortinet country manager, Shane Grennan give a presentation at the National Information Security Conference (NISC), Cumbernauld outside Glasgow. Grennan shared with delegates the latest research Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs had undertaken around the sophisticated and entrepreneurial nature of cybercrime.
Fortinet will also be sharing its expertise around safer and smarter working when Grennan leads the debate at ICT Connect 2013, next week in Glasgow. This event, which will be attended by more than 200 ICT professionals, marks an important opportunity to highlight the issues around secure working.
Espion sales director Jim Lehane claimed that Fortinet was the “only network security vendor to have its own global threat research and response team continuously monitoring the threat landscape and providing customers with real-time protection against the latest Internet threats”.
“Leveraging FortiGuard Labs’ expertise at events like NISC and ICT Connect to engage with stakeholders and end-users is an excellent way to create difference with the main competitors on the market,” he said.