Big Tech Asks Resellers To Help Realise Its £10m Dream Year

Big Technology wants to grow even larger with a massive push into the UK and European markets
Big Technology has set itself an ambitious UK growth target of £10 million revenue by the end of this year. The Big Data VAD has set up a target hit squad to assist the resellers to help it reach this goal.
Although the company only launched over here in October 2013, it has already claimed to have 200 interested partners, an eight-pack vendor portfolio, and has brought onboard four staff members to oversee the 2014 push.
Big Data Centres
Jason Dance, managing director of Big Technology, said, “We’ve wasted no time in taking our go-to market strategy to the next level and will continue to invest in growth because we see such a massive opportunity for Big Technology and our partners. Among those resellers attracted to our disruptive vendor technologies, we aim to integrate a select number that truly understand not only the benefits, but how to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.”
The select partners will receive assistance in addressing what Big sees as a huge market potential for intelligent, massively-scalable Big Data infrastructures. Together the partnership will work towards supplying a perceived need for next generation datacenters in enterprises.
The team handling the marketing, sales and pre-sales initiatives has seen Paul Brunyee join as solutions architect manager from Nimbus Data Systems. Sales manager Gerard Brophy, a former professional wicketkeeper, has been recruited from Big’s mothership Exclusive Networks as a safe pair of hands.
The company has also said it will continue its push to recruit vendor partners which started last month with the announcement that Pluribus Networks had signed up. Resellers would be those that would prove to be complementary to Big’s vision of software-defined, user-driven data centres.
Mike Hemes, VP for Emea sales at reseller Silver Peak, said his company can subscribe to Big’s strategy, “We’ve seen the benefit of the skills and relationships within Big Technology, with a number of great opportunities coming in on the back of our partnership. They fundamentally understand the seismic shifts happening in data centre evolution, particularly around storage and virtualisation, which is proving highly beneficial to us as we look to achieve more in 2014.”
Big is also looking to achieve more. With a foothold established in the EU here and in France, Dance said to expect other countries to come on stream very soon.