Skyhigh Cloud Security Labs says average enterprise is using 56 leaky cloud services

Skyhigh Cloud Security Labs says average enterprise is using 56 leaky cloud services
Effectiveness of security training appears to vary depending on executive versus employee opinion, Axelos survey finds
There's still a lot more to come from Windows 10 going by the wait and see game of UK CIOs
But what is SDN? ask most UK firms in Exponential-e research
Europeans are paying a premium as a result of cloud data regulations, customer service and localised applications
Most apps track your location, even when they don't need to, and many collect 'alarming' amounts of data
New computers, cloud use, BYOD and improved printing in big demand among teachers and students
The rest are...well...just minnows according to analyst research
The number of enterprises with compromised mobile devices grew by 42 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, finds MobileIron
Only London is ahead of the region when it comes to new technology firm growth
Growth comes from big data and CRM but avoid relying on it too much shows SAP research
Although over a fifth of organisations have still not moved any services into the cloud
CompTIA research questioned over 670 IT Industry executives
C-level executives across EMEA were questioned about their cloud progress
BCS urges government to adopt legal sanctions for badly designed data systems, for Investigatory Powers Bill
Analyst Synergy says AWS has almost a third of the market
Data bods are encouraged to head to Manchester
Last year, 40 percent of Spiceworks members predicted their business would adopt Windows 10 by the end of July 2016, 12 months after launch
Apple Watch and VR headset sales will continue to push wearable numbers ever higher, according to Gartner estimates
But cost and complexity woes remain as public cloud adoption easily surpasses private cloud sales
EMEA companies want cloud analytics for ease of use and to cut costs
They also want more home automation technologies and electric cars
Research from Western Digital and Crucial maps the storage trends
EMEA sees a big slump in total deal value and a reduction in the number of contracts signed for the year
Despite the SME shortcomings the access security market is expanding
But data analysts and 'specialised sales staff' should be safe despite 2020 revolution
But the data centre sector is faring well, according to Gartner, with a three percent growth in spending projected for 2016
Sales up 23 percent year on year to $7.6 billion in the third quarter says analyst IDC
Almost 40 years have passed since British-American information scientist Frederick Wilfrid first envisioned a ‘paperless office’ in 1978
Not much good news for PC vendors this year either says the analyst