Press release

Turnitin Partners with CORE, the World’s Leading Aggregator of Open Access Research Articles

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announced today a partnership with CORE, a service provided by The
Knowledge Media Institute
, a multidisciplinary research and
development lab based at The
Open University
in the UK in partnership with Jisc, a membership
organization providing digital solutions for UK education and research.
Using CORE’s FastSync service, Turnitin’s proprietary web crawler will
search through CORE’s vast global database of open access content and
metadata—135 million metadata records from over 3,700 data providers and
counting—to check for text similarity. Click
to Tweet

Open access repositories provide free access to scholarly publications
that have historically been kept behind paywalls or limited to use at a
single institution. However, the scholarly
publishing industry is changing
, and such repositories are becoming
increasingly more popular among higher education institutions choosing
to make published research articles freely accessible. As the use of
open access repositories grows, so do associated risks because the open
nature of this content makes it vulnerable to intentional and
unintentional plagiarism.

Turnitin’s partnership with CORE not only adds to Turnitin’s content
database but also represents an important step in protecting open access
content from misuse. In gathering the majority of its open access
metadata from CORE, Turnitin is crawling the latest open access content
and adding it into its database, providing the most up-to-date
protection for authors and institutions.

“At CORE, we believe that facilitating machine access to scholarly
literature from data providers globally will enable companies like
Turnitin to do their work more effectively,” said Dr. Petr Knoth, Senior
Research Fellow in Text and Data Mining at The Knowledge Media Institute
and Founder and Head of CORE. “As a company deeply invested in research
integrity, we appreciate Turnitin’s commitment to safeguarding the
originality of scholarly articles and open access content.”

“As the scholarly publishing industry evolves, Turnitin’s services must
similarly adapt,” said Valerie Schreiner, Turnitin SVP Business and
Corporate Development. “This partnership with CORE ensures that our
database remains at the forefront of publishing trends and can continue
to best serve the needs of our customers and partners.”

The 6th Annual World Conference on Research Integrity, June 2-5, 2019
in Hong Kong (,
will explore new challenges in academic and research integrity.

About Turnitin

Turnitin is your partner in fostering original thinking and supporting
authentic learning. Turnitin solutions promote academic integrity,
streamline grading and feedback, and improve outcomes across educational
levels and content areas. Turnitin leverages cutting-edge technology to
provide tools that prevent plagiarism, deliver formative and summative
feedback, surface actionable reporting, and investigate academic
misconduct. Growing from one million student paper submissions in 2002
to one billion in 2018, Turnitin serves over 15,000 institutions
globally and is headquartered in Oakland, Calif., with international
offices in the U.K., Netherlands, Australia, Korea, India, and
throughout Latin America. @Turnitin