Press release

Veteran Major League Baseball Player Don Slaught Invited to SetSchedule’s MindSET Podcast with CEO Roy Dekel

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SetSchedule CEO Roy Dekel has invited former Major League Baseball player and established data science entrepreneur Don Slaught on the MindSET Podcast.

Don Slaught is the founder of RightView Pro, a video analysis company that focuses on the body mechanics of baseball players. By in depth comparison of their own recording to exceptional baseball players, players are able to more effectively practice their posture and stance. Don helps other coaches apply the RVP training system through his work with OnBase University.

“Don’s RightView Pro and OnBase University programs are perfect examples of smart data analysis and its application,” says Dekel. “Don’s tech solutions supplement traditional coaching methods and cause the best results possible, and that is the ultimate application of technology. It cannot replace a person’s hard work or motivation, but it can help us reach our potential faster than we could without it.”

More details about Don Slaught’s episode of MindSET will be provided once the episode has begun production. In the meantime, you can view more episodes of the entrepreneur-oriented MindSET here.

SetSchedule is an American technology company based in Irvine, California that focuses on Real Estate information SAAS Products, consumer cloud communication products, artificial intelligence, and autonomous business flow applications.

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