Dell is splashing the cash on acquisitions as it snaps up data protection specialist Credant

Computerlinks Adds To Mobile Line-up With Globo
The distributor will offer Globo's GO! Enterprise cloud platform for deploying business applications across multi-platform mobile devices

Pressure building for BYOD in the UK
Resellers will have to include mobile functionality in their corporate packages

BYOD ignorant managers putting IT security at risk
Tablet vendors concerned with sales, not safety

People use own smartphones for work
But potentially racking up huge connectivity bills

Cisco: Prepare for BYOD or risk losing top new recruits
Report shows Gen Y employees will demand more mobile connectivity in the workplace

Xirrus announces partner programme, XAN
Interest increases under weight of BYOD policies, company claims

Microsoft has a BYOD strategy
After years of forcing partners to charge corporates large amounts to run BYOD mobile strategies, Microsoft has finally come up with a better plan.

Configuring networks for Tablets might be a poor sale
The latest research shows that selling bring your own device solutions to companies might be a risky sale for the reseller and the customer

Remote working and cloud trends to drive broadband channel boom
Channel is confident for increasing fixed broadband sales over next six months, says O2 Wholesale

Only a quarter of companies have BYOD strategy in place
Lack of awareness is 'scary' according to LANDesk

Fortinet boosts security to allow for bring-your-own-device
Fortinet has worked out that there is a lot of pressure on network managers to allow smartphones and tablets on their networks and has adapted its product family.

ForeScout introduces extra mobile security for BYOD
Easier to handle for managed service providers

Gartner: BYOD is the most hyped term
2012 Hype cycle shows BYOD, private cloud chatter dying down

Lieberman warns companies to be cautious about BYOD
Companies worried about security challenges, survey reveals

The Social Media Whisperer says Get on You Tube Today!
Channel advised to have a Channel

Brother jumps on BYOD bandwagon with channel printer release
QL-710W and QL720NW aimed at easy connectivity with mobile devices

BYOD is either a channel opportunity or disruptive hype
BYOD has been a buzz term for a while, but the channel may have to adapt to some changes

Senior management unsure of where company data lies
BYOD culture makes it worse says survey

HP unveils products and services to push BYOD to smaller businesses
Looks to the channel for SMB push in Prague announcement

Gartner makes recommendations on BYOD trends
Tighten security and bring in new departments

Zycko teams with Bradford Networks for BYOD channel service
Network Sentry will allow security monitoring of devices onsite or through the cloud

BYOD trend to drive growth in telehealth
Smartphone and tablet boom will help increase remote healthcare

Lenovo gives BYOD a boost with business focused Ultrabook
ThinkPad range refresh announced at Accelerate Channel Partner Conference

I’m in with the in G-Cloud, but let’s not do lunch OK?
Cracking new markets is no sweet potato

BYOD trends cause headaches for universities
IT staff struggle to keep track of variety of devices

Avnet launches partner sales training for new channel trends
SolutionsPath Fundamentals will help partners add value to sales

Apple some say keeps BYOD in play
The future is bright, the future is oranjebook

VMware aims to make BYOD management user-friendly with View 5.1
End-users get more flexibility without making work for IT managers

IBM unveils Mobile Foundation
Using Worklight acquisition to grab slice of $22 billion enterprise mobility market