No law involved

Big names falling behind in the IaaS cloud
Cloud is the buzzword for 2012 but big names seem to be falling behind when it comes to providing Infrastructure as a Service.

Big Data to contribute to millions of jobs by 2015
Garter goes into the future again

Big data IT spending hits $28 billion
Big data to become plain old 'data'

Worldwide PC shipments see first decline in a decade
Back to school boost turns to bust

HP announces SDN technology advances
To help businesses with networking and data centres

There’s a huge surge in public cloud services expected
Gartner rubs its crystal ball again

Paid for online reviews will grow
But so could litigation and FTC fines, says Gartner

IT security spending to increase into 2016
Comapnies to continue spending to keep up with emerging threats

Free app market to soar
Gartner report says developers need to retain their customers

Access Group buys Prelytis
Company moves into BI market

Worldwide application development software to ripple this year
Gartner forcasts a buoyant market

Gartner: BYOD is the most hyped term
2012 Hype cycle shows BYOD, private cloud chatter dying down

UK PC shipments fall as consumer interest stays sluggish
Weak demand causing stock build up ahead of Windows 8 launch

Europe slows in outsourcing services spending
Despite global market growth

Tech lemmings are continuing to spend money on expensive digital toys
But Gartners' prognosis isn't shared by everyone....

Board directors ignore recession, prioritise IT investment
Half of board directors see IT investment as key to increasing competitiveness in 2012

PC shipments stall, but HP is on top
Despite sector falling this year

Worldwide spending on Enterprise Application Software rises
Gartner says the market is strong

Gartner makes recommendations on BYOD trends
Tighten security and bring in new departments

Businesses need to consider key points before deploying mobile apps
Says Gartner

Europe trails US by two years on cloud adoption
Gartner blames a range of problems including the Euro crisis

IBM leads the way as IT operations management software resists tightening budgets
Software for IT tools such as applications management approach double digit revenue growth once again

E-tailers to reap benefits as mobile payments increase massively
Gartner says the likes of Amazon and Ebay will continue to see growth in mobile channel as e-commerce grows

Global IT outsourcing revenue rises
IBM leads the way

Global supply chain management software market grows
SAP and Oracle lead the way

HP gains top spot in PC shipments market
But overall market goes down

Only half of Fortune 1000 companies will see a positive Social CRM return
More investment and analysis needed

Worldwide IT spending on the rise

PC Shipments In The UK Hit A Record Low
Tablets and smartphones fly off the shelves, while sales of desktops and laptops slump