Press release

Echosens Launches SmartExam®: FibroScan® Software Upgrade Unlocks the True Power of Company’s Innovative and Differentiated Technology

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Echosens, a high-technology company offering the FibroScan family of products, is pleased to announce the launch of SmartExam®, innovative technology designed to take examinations with FibroScan to an even greater level of accuracy, specificity and reliability as a non-invasive diagnostic solution for measuring liver fat and stiffness. SmartExam unlocks three key benefits for users: improved reliability in the diagnosis and monitoring of steatosis with continuous controlled attenuation parameter (CAP™); extended usage among severely obese patients with deeper assessment of liver fibrosis and steatosis; and optimized patient care with task automation features that enable physicians to dedicate more time to patient care.

Download the second issue of the Echosens Times, which focuses on SmartExam here.

“SmartExam is another example of our commitment to innovation pushing the identification and monitoring of liver disease, lifestyle change and therapeutic interventions to the next level,” says Jon Gingrich, CEO, Echosens North America. “SmartExam’s new computation method allows for a continuous measurement of CAP™ during the entire examination, which reduces variability* by 42%.** In addition, SmartExam offers a 28% increase*** in probe-to-capsule distance to improve accuracy and reliability among severely obese patients.**** Finally, the new task automation features guide operators through exams, making the examination process easier and faster than ever. We are thrilled to provide this innovative software to our customers.”

This critical diagnostic tool enables heath care professionals to make more informed treatment decisions about liver health and may reduce the need for expensive and more invasive testing to detect liver disease. This important upgrade provides key benefits for clinics and the patients they serve.

Estimates show that 357 million people will have nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) globally by 2030. NASH can often lead to advanced fibrosis and liver cancer, liver transplantation, increased risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. As the twin epidemics of liver disease and obesity continue to grow, and because of the prevalence and associated costs of underdiagnosed liver disease—which is now linked to over $100 billion in annual direct costs—FibroScan is gaining traction among U.S. physicians and specialists.

A nurse at French Cochin University Hospital states, “The obese population that we receive for FibroScan examinations has increased substantially in recent years. CAP has become essential to our prescribers to precisely monitor patient’s steatosis. SmartExam allows us to address complex patients and provide more reliable results.”

* CAP for pediatric patients with liver disease is only available with SmartExam capability.

**Audière et al. EASL 2020 poster #FRI-073–42% is the variability decrease computed on a patient’s cohort scanned with the M probe.

*** Without SmartExam, the maximum recommended Probe-to-Capsula distance (PCD) is 35 mm. With SmartExam, it is 45mm, representing an increase of 28%.

**** Only for M and XL probes.

About Echosens

Echosens, the developer of FibroScan®, is an innovative high-technology company offering a full range of products and services supporting physicians in their assessment and management of patients with chronic liver diseases. FibroScan is supported by over 2,500 peer-reviewed publications and examinations are covered by Medicare, Medicaid and many insurance plans. For more information, please visit