Nimans Launches SIP Trunk Service And Comms Catalogue

Two value adds to help resellers sell comms end to end with confidence
Nimans has unveiled its own Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunk service to give resellers greater control and access to a range of network products and expertise, it said. The communications technology company has also launched its 2014 Voice and Data Book to help resellers locate all the components needed to compete a comms project from start to finish.
Nimans said its SIP offering would help resellers gain a greater share of the growing IP comms market – based on its training and accreditation programmes.
Comms taster
SIP initiates the “call setup” phase of VoIP and video conferencing connections. It handles user location, registration and availability. SIP also negotiates the media codecs used and handles issues such as adding a third party into an existing call.
The firm said that dedicated sales and engineering training courses kicked-off this month and will run throughout 2014.
“The whole sales process has shifted. Resellers need to understand what the client wants, put a solution together, and deliver it to them. If you do these three things then you are going to be successful,” said Mark Curtis-Wood, head of network services at Nimans. “There’s a right way of doing SIP and a wrong way. We recognise training for deployment is crucial which is why we are placing great importance on providing high calibre learning sessions to provide resellers with the confidence and knowledge to move forward from both sales and engineering perspectives.”
The Nimans SIP service has been fully tested for Panasonic, Samsung, NEC, Aastra and iQ PBX systems, with more to follow, the company promised, and a dedicated SIP connectivity guide is also being produced.
The 2014 Voice and Data Book is the firm’s latest catalogue of components and lists items ranging from telephone systems to data infrastructure, according to Nimans group sales and business development director Richard Carter. The book also features unified communications products and services, conferencing and network connectivity.
“We’ve got £10 million worth of stock ready for next-day delivery – backed by dedicated sales teams and product specialists,” Carter said.
In addition Nimans has in-house leasing and network services divisions (featuring wholesale mobile) as well as installation and maintenance expertise, online ordering, technical support, a training academy and logistics operation.