Advanced gets on the G-Cloud 6 procurement bandwagon

The group has been on previous government G-cloud procurement frameworks and is now offering new services via this latest iteration.
Advanced Computer Software Group has been awarded a place on G-Cloud 6, the government’s latest cloud procurement framework.
The group has been on previous G-cloud frameworks and is offering new services via this latest iteration. The new services include Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online through its Advanced ConsultCRM division, PRM inventory management through its Advanced Business Solutions Public Sector & Enterprise division, and clinical and care solutions from the Advanced Health & Care division.
The G-cloud framework aims to promote the adoption of cloud based software applications in central government and the wider public sector. Since the framework was launched in 2012, public sector organisations are said to have invested more than £390 million in cloud based solutions in order to improve performance levels and reduce IT costs.
Vin Murria, CEO of Advanced Computer Software Group, said: “Advanced has a strong track record in working with public sector bodies including central government, councils, NHS trusts, colleges and housing associations. Being on the G-cloud will further strengthen our presence in this area and make it even easier for organisations to access our services.”