Oracle disses EMC in Sin City, America

Channel NewsRetail

Stealth marketing has no radar

Sadly we don’t have the same gladiatorial-like ”dis-advertising” and guerrilla marketing in Europe as there is in the US, so it’s always amusing for us to see the competition dis-advertising a rival just before they kick off their global partner world summit in Las Vegas.

Like two heavy weight boxers squaring off before a big bout at the MGM, Oracle has used this week to talk up their products just in time for 3000 of EMC’s channel and partners, who are descending on Las Vegas this weekend for its first annual global partner summit.

No stranger to similar tactics for HP and other rivals, Oracle has spent quite a lot of guerrilla marketing budget to tell weary IT execs waiting for a cab at McCarran International airport hat they are better than EMC by having many cabs sport illuminated advertising hoardings that proclaim “Oracle beats EMC”.

Now I have seen this sort of thing before but I have never seen dis-advertising writ large on my boarding pass as I prepare to fly over to a rival’s event.

When it’s this committed, I kind of think: “What are Oracle afraid of? “

Let’s find out.

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