Labtech signs Blue Solutions as UK distie

RMM on the up and up
Consultancy led software distie Blue Solutions has signed an agreement with managed service tool and remote monitoring management (RMM) company to bring in resellers for its products in the UK.
Although Labtech has had a presence in the UK, it has been working with direct sales from its US base with no feet on the ground. This new agreement will bring LabTech RMM to the country with local specialists at Blue Solutions to explain and offer support with the software. Currently, Blue Solutions is the only UK distie providing RMM software in the UK channel, it says.
LabTech had been adding roughly 100 new Managed Service Providers per month for 2011, in the States, and will be looking to increase its footprint in the UK through Blue Solutions.
LabTech will be offering training, a commitment to regular software updates, and an annual partner conference, the company promises.
The latest LabTech RMM, the company says, is a way for MSPs to offer non disruptive and remote IT support to customers along with centralised visability for their systems, speeding up fixing problems and allowing users to bolster their customer service – and, importantly, revenues – for the MSP.
Speaking with ChannelBiz UK, co-founder and director of Blue Solutions, Mark Charleton, suggested the UK offers a lot of potential for the software, and explained that his company already had complimentary vendors that work for Labtech’s platform.
“Demand seems strong,” Charleton said. “There seems to be very big awareness of RMM at the moment – the brand has had some traction and impact in the UK”. Although a couple of years ago, some people may have looked at Labtech and not felt overly keen, it has come back with a much improved, and easier to deploy product.
“You can now speak to a UK company and pay for it in Sterling, and get help from us,” Charleton said.
As for Labtech, according to Charleton, RMM is on the agenda for many businesses at the moment. “A lot of people are looking at RMM at the minute or looking for something new,” he said, “or already have a tool from a competitor and are struggling with it – in America people swap RMM providers relatively frequently”.
“Labtech pitched it as being a higher level,” Charleton said. “Anyone that is already using GFI or Level Platform and needs more functionality, or control, or automation, come have a look at Labtech, we can do more for you – it can be a stepping stone for people already in it, or appropriate for somebody taking their first tool”.