System admins tested as Oracle releases confetti of patches across entire product range

System admins tested as Oracle releases confetti of patches across entire product range
Free ‘unlimited’ 256-bit encrypted VPN comes with Opera’s latest browser release as 'everyone deserves to be private online'
Distie says it's ready to prime up the channel for a growing SIM market
AVG also revamps its channel partner programme
Company looking for those with the "right IT attitude"
Enterprise customers looking to develop applications and services faster, with greater accuracy and business agility
New cloud services from GoDaddy look to entice developers and IT pros to its pay as you go cloud platform
Optevia has a string of big public sector clients
Cloud, virtualisation and software-defined networking are driving channel demand
Liquidware Labs and flash storage vendor make it easier to sell the technology to customers
Distie joins two others after doing a good job on the KEMP security side