Ex-CMS Distribution, Lenovo and Iomega man joins UPS firm

Ex-CMS Distribution, Lenovo and Iomega man joins UPS firm
A 'green' charger you can use for any laptop, didn't we hear the same for mobiles a while back?
An Eaton-trained engineer will be on site within four hours to resolve any issues
Biggest outage in Scotland, while a combine harvester caused chaos in Norfolk
Eaton's 'supercapacitors' are said to provide a 'convenient and affordable alternative' in applications
The new partner programme for resellers will be launched next month and will offer rewards across four levels to those who sign up
Power management systems vendor inks partnership deal with UK distributor
Illinois researchers learn that with great power comes great responsitivity - in 3D
Europe's data centres could be hurt by cheap US competition fuelled by shale gas, while efficiency technology could also lose out
Using an Intel DCM base, AIT's PowerDCM can green-up a data centre and save on power costs
Ajax datacentre adds more power to company's portfolio