Microsoft takes on iMac with Surface Studio as it seeks to unlock users' creativity with Windows 10

Microsoft takes on iMac with Surface Studio as it seeks to unlock users' creativity with Windows 10
Redmond is expected to replace the Lumia with a Surface-branded Windows 10 phone
Redmond also unveils Windows 10 Enterprise subscription packages as Windows Server 2016 gets launch date
Giant Surface Hub starts rolling out more than a year after Microsoft first announced its vision of workplace collaboration
Nine UK channels and counting as Microsoft at last takes the indirect route with Surface
Microsoft's Surface marketing has been a disaster and it may now have missed the boat in the channel
Unsupported POP3-based email could make life even harder for Surface Tablets
Tablet sales rocketed at Christmas and could presage a boom in the BYOD market
New research finds that Windows 8 is not proving to be wildly popular with European businesses
Microsoft is reportedly ramping up production of its Surface tablets for wider distribution to combat less-than-robust online sales
Anger over the Surface set to continue as Microsoft looks to become the new Apple
Puts its case backward
Company gearing up for Surface launch
Comment: Software and hardware companies are starting to get beyond themselves.
Nexus 7 and Surface should see them bounce back