Vodafone unveils first batch of top-performing enterprise partners

Vodafone unveils first batch of top-performing enterprise partners
Vodafone accredits partners ahead of new enterprise programme launch
Vodafone blames 'complex' billing system migration for the biggest fine ever issued by Ofcom for 'serious and sustained' breaches of consumer rules
More bad news from [probably] the world's most poorly performing cloud company
Bringing in non-exec director is part of the terms of the recent Vodafone loan
Skint cloud MSP has begging bowl replenished by communications partner
SMEs, mid-sized firms and local councils targeted with new local 'hubs' as part of regional restructure
Will there be more protests about Vodafone's low UK tax bill?
Methods Digital and MatsSoft are targeting the public sector in a growing market for solutions that make software development easier
Daisy Distribution is offering Vodafone's UC service to its partners to combine mobile and fixed lines
Apart from flexible services, Daisy Group has released a chain of bolt-ons
Foreign Office contract worth £40 million, charged with creating 40 percent efficiencies
Distie aims to boost sales and get channel ready for roll-out of next generation networks
Test Valley gets new unified comms and contact centre to pair with Winchester
Vodafone's Mobile Threat Manager emerges from new BAE partnership
A boutique hotel weekend break awaits the top six Vodafone connection sellers in the Daisy chain
Barriers to the machine to machine Internet have just come down with Kontron's development kit
A couple of surprise entrants join BT in the spectrum auction bidding
Companies worried about security challenges, survey reveals
Consumerisation of IT on the increase
Billion pound deal will make it the second largest UK telco