Tech Data running events to promote use of Chrome devices

Tech Data running events to promote use of Chrome devices
OKI agrees distribution deal with Tech Data for range of smart MFPs
Customers can order off branded web pages that also drive them to resellers' own websites and social media
StreamOne enables partners to offer and scale cloud and subscription services
Shake up in global IT distribution market continues after the Chinese Ingram Micro acquisition
MAXCasesExtreme Shell and SnapShell ranges for Chromebooks among first products available
Location tracking using a combination of GPS, GSM and WiFi, plus limited voice calls too
Over 70 percent of Tech Data SMB business is already placed electronically says the distie
Resellers targeted to sell into the home and business markets
Smart IoT Solutions practice is designed to aggregate IoT solutions and provide a simplified route to market
Recently-released VÜ 2.0 Wireless Charger and VÜ SOLO 2.0 offer ultra-fast charging
The appointment is part of the distie's overall changes in HP business development
The technology is already used by 7,000 managed service providers, integrators and distributors
Fancy chasing bears in Canada? This is the one for you
Tech Data VAD sees a growing market as end customers seek reduced RTOs at a lower price
Flexible monthly and annual subscriptions on offer from the distributor
The new vice president in EMEA also previously worked at Tech Data
Tech Data Corporation says it currently serves 115,000 resellers that support end users in more than 100 countries, generating $27.7bn in sales into the bargain
Distributor creates a role for an ethics and compliance officer after conducting an accounting probe
Channel must sell more hardware and software upgrades before support ends in six months
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In the US, IBM has enlisted Ingram Micro and Tech Data to chase the big midmarket dollars with Power Systems and storage products
Looks to SDG acquisition to boost performance
Plans enterprise expansion in Europe
And the rest of the Tech data peeps
Snaps up distribution arm of UK firm Specialist Computer Holdings